Member-only story
An apple tree can only make apples.
Trees seem to have a pretty good life. They eat all day, sleep all night, do seasonal work + spend parts of the year completely naked, usually when it’s freezing. When they do work, making apples for instance, they just go about it until it’s done + restart again next year but, only when + if conditions are right. They don’t seem to spend any time worrying about how much work they get done or if anyone is keeping tabs. There are no branch managers (I know, I couldn’t help it though).
They certainly don’t spend any time worrying about how many apples the tree next door made or how much better their apples might taste. Or, how many likes or comments their apples got on forestgram or Treetube. What they do though, seems to help everything around them do better. Trees grow stronger, soil gets richer, animals + bugs get food; and when they poop the trees use that to get stronger themselves. Everybody wins.
If a tree were a human, they’d seem very lazy + probably not give a shit about what anyone had to say about it. They’d do whatever came naturally + probably seem very happy doing it. I know humans aren’t trees (I’ve tried) but I think each one of us has something inside of us that makes us, us. I know it’s very difficult finding or figuring out what that is in a world that seems to want us to be everything but us. I really think though it’s worth trying to figure out. Because if you can, everything you do will only help everyone + everything else around you do better. #EverybodyWins